Japanese Wagyu Premium Grade

Known as the super beef, the wagyu meat from Japan has extensively developed a superior reputation, over other meat products in the world. The meat seemed to have acquired a royal and luxurious appeal since its introduction in the market, making the most world-renowned chefs and restaurants race to include the meat in their specialty dishes.
So what kind of meat really is this gem called wagyu?
Why is it famous?
“Fat is flavour.” This statement has been a famous saying in the culinary world. They say that when it comes to meats, the root of the flavour is supplied by fat. And when it comes to fat, only wagyu can boast that its fat truly contains the best taste that a meat can ever produce.
Also known as shimofuri or meat marble, the wagyu fat is not just your normal hardened oil. Wagyu fat is said to have the highest proportion of monounsaturated fats, which are mainly composed of good fats, Omega 3 and Omega 6. These fats also have a low melting point, which means that the fat does not wholly dissolve while being cooked. The melting process continues while the steak is being served and eaten, making the fat dissolve as you put it in your mouth. Truly, this fat is what makes the wagyu the most talked about culinary phenomenon in the world.
Why is it premium?
This kind of luxurious-tasting meat can only come from luxuriously raised cattle from the Land of the Rising Sun.
The wagyu-producing Japanese cattle are actually genetically modified to be able to supply the market the super beef with the most intense marbling.
But this kind of premium meat marble is not attained simply by relying on the DNA of the cow. In the cattle farm of the Japan Products Marketing (JPM) Co. Ltd. we assure that the cows only get the premium grades of food and nutrition needed to produce those premium meats. Our cows are only fed with the highest quality of hay, mixed with only the best and safest compound feeds.
In addition, the cattle are also closely monitored by our cow farmers, treating each of them like a part of the family. This way, the farmers can pay close attention to their other needs like well-ventilated barns and crystal clear drinking water.
One secret behind this optimum quality of meat is that occasionally, sake or the traditional Japanese rice wine is being fed to the cows. They say that somehow, the taste of the sake has also been playing a part in the juiciness of the meat.
Hygiene is also extremely observed. The farmers of JPM follows the strictest standards of hygiene control, starting from the calves. It has also been a practice of Japanese cattle raisers to brush the cattle hide with sake. The Japanese believe that the quality of the hair coat and the skin of the cattle greatly reflects what is in the inside, and thus contributing to the superiority of the wagyu meat.
Only Japanese is authentic
You may have heard of the wagyu coming from Australia, United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. They may all assume that their wagyu are authentic, but purists will say that the most authentic of them all, are of course, only the meat that comes from Japan.
The word, wagyu, itself is Japanese, which literally means “Japanese cattle.” All the other nations, who claim to be producing wagyu actually just imported the wagyu-producing Japanese cattle into their territories. However, only a few of all those companies were able to maintain the 100% wagyu cattle bloodline over the years. Some are only producing percentage wagyu, wherein the Japanese cattle has already been bred with other none-wagyu-producing cattle breeds.
The authentic wagyu cattle are just four: the Japanese Black, the Japanese Brown, the Japanese Poll and the Japanese Shorthorn. Wagyu can also be produced by cross-breds, but only those types that are the result of breeding two of these four Japanese cattle.
We, in JPM is proud of our farms, which are mainly situated in Japan. Purists cannot question the authenticity of our wagyu, which are produced from the Japanese cattle, raised only in Japan, and taken care only by Japanese farmers.
Here in JPM, authenticity is not the issue. We guarantee you that our wagyu is produced only by pure breeds. Hence, we promise that each and every cut of wagyu that will be delivered into your table will contain the utmost velvety goodness of a genuine Japanese wagyu beef.